Chili Flame
Crabbet %
Out of By Mustapha
Bred by
Owner Ingela Brinkefeldt / ArabHästHagen
Endurance race: 850km until October 2020. Results here.
2010 Shown at premiering with 40p, graded first class.
Born Name Crabbet % By/Out of Color Sex Bred by
2023 Flames of Dasadi FA116/23 97,32 Dandini B C Sara Åhman
Chili Flame 2024-06-11. Photo/Copyright: Anne Karlsson.
Chili Flame
Chili Flame and her (gelded) colt, Flames of Dasadi (born 2023) 2024-06-11.
Flames of Dasadi and Chili Flame
Flames of Dasadi and Chili Flame
Chili Flame Chili Flame


Chili Flame will be 3 years in september, 2012-06-06.
Chili Flame
Photo/Copyright: Anne Karlsson.
Chil Flame 3 in september, 2012-06-06.
Chili Flame
Chili Flame Chili Flame
Chil Flame 3 in september, 2012-06-06.
Photo/Copyright: Anne Karlsson.
Chil Flame 3 in september, 2012-06-06.
Chili Flame
Photo/Copyright: Anne Karlsson.
Chili Flame with her blue ribbon for first class at premiering in Enköping 2010-09-19.
Chili Flame
Photo/Copyright: Anne Karlsson.
Chili Flame Chili Flame
Chili Flame Chili Flame
Chili Flame at premiering in Enköping 2010-09-19. Graded first class with 40 p.
Chili Flame 2009-09-03 - first day just born.
Chili Flame
Chili Flame
Chili Flame 2009-09-04 - one day.
Chili Flame
Caira and Chili Flame
Caira and Chili Flame
Chili Flame
Chili Flame
Chili Flame
Chili Flame
Chili Flame
Chili Flame
Caira and Chili Flame
Chili Flame
Chili Flame
Caira and Chili Flame
Caira and Chili Flame
Caira and Chili Flame
Friday 2009-09-04, 1 day. Photo/Copyright Louise Ludvigsson.
Chili Flame
Chili Flame
Caira and filly (14 hours) out in sunshine in between all the rain.
Chili Flame
Chili Flame
Caira runs to "pure" and the little filly starts to run for racing career maybe?
Chili Flame
Chili Flame
Pretty little filly, isn´t she?
Caira - a little upset because filly decided to stay with the photgraphers
instead of following her mother. Photos/Copyright: Anne Karlsson.

2009-09-03 22.00 at night she was fininally born! The second foal by Gimmick out of Caira!
I had been waiting for this for 3 years ... so it didn´t matter if she was born this late (September) or not. Even doe I can understand some of you might wonder about why I got such a late foal. It is a big, healthy filly though ... and she seems to know exactly what she wants - right from the start!
Caira and Chili Flame
Caira and Chili Flame
Caira and Chili Flame
Caira and Chili Flame